Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome to the Thirties

Close your eyes and make a wish!
Photo credit: Jeremiah Pilapil

When I was younger, I thought that by the time I am thirty, I would have my own family, have a nice house in the suburbs, and stuff like that. I fashioned my life to be just like my Mom's. Married at 24. Had her first child at 25 (eventually that child became her ONLY child -- me). Started building a life with my dad and me. By the time she was 30, I just finished preschool. But no matter how we plan our life to be, destiny has other ideas. 

I am still far from having a family of my own but I dream of having one as soon as I can. Although I live by myself in a studio apartment in Quezon City, I am still very much dependent on my parents -- I went back to school a few years ago to earn my Doctor of Medicine degree. Which is why compared to most of my cohorts, I am lagging behind. But as a friend told me a sometime ago, "Life is not a race. There is no finish line. Just keep running." That is what I keep on doing.

My running shoes took me to a lot of detours. But it's okay. Somehow, those detours were scenic anyway. What is important is you never stop. 

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